The Rajasthan Junior Division Civil Judge vacancy has been disclosed by the Rajasthan High Court. This announcement is a golden chance for qualified applicants who wish to become Rajasthan Civil Judges.
Applicants have to carefully review the Rajasthan High Court’s notification before applying for this position since it includes all the information, they need to know about the hiring procedure and mainly the syllabus.
Rajasthan Judiciary Services: Examination Pattern
The RJS Examination pattern is divided into three parts. The final merit list will be prepared and the candidates selected based on the combined scores from the Main Exam as well as the Interview, in accordance with the RJS Exam Pattern. They are:
- Preliminary Examination: This is the first stage of the RJS examination. This examination is based on multiple choice questions to be answered to qualify for the second stage i.e., the mains examination.
- Mains Examination: This is the second stage of the RJS Examination. The RJS judiciary mains examination is open to candidates who pass the RJS preliminary exam. Subjective or narrative-style questions make up the main exam.
- Interview: This is the third and the last stage of the selection in the RJS Examination. If a candidate qualifies for the RJS mains examination, they move forward to this round. It’s possible that the questions are generic in nature rather than primarily intellectual or legal.
Rajasthan Judiciary Service Syllabus: Preliminary Examination (100 marks)
- The preliminary exam will be an objective type examination, with:
- A 15% each of the weight going toward testing language ability in both English and Hindi and
- A 70% of the weightage goes toward the subjects included in the syllabus for the Law Paper.
- The Preliminary Examination has a maximum score of 100, and there will be a maximum of 100 questions.
- Negative marks won’t be awarded for incorrect responses in the preliminary exam.
- The preliminary examination will be held for two hours.
- The final merit will not be determined by taking into account the marks received in the preliminary examination.
- Proficiency in Tenses
- Proficiency in Articles and Determiners
- Proficiency in Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
- Proficiency in Active & Passive Voice
- Proficiency in Co-ordination & Subordination
- Proficiency in Direct and Indirect Speech
- Proficiency in Modals expressing various concepts- (Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition,Intention, Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions,Contrast.)
- Proficiency in Antonyms and Synonyms.
- शब्दरचना- संधिएवंसंधिधवच्छेद, समास, उपसर्गप्रत्यय
- तत्सम, अिगतत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, धवदेशी
- संज्ञा] सवगनाम] धवशेषण] धिया] अव्यय (धियाधवशेषण, सम्बन्धसूचक] धवस्मयबोिकधनपात)
- शब्दज्ञान: पयागयवाची, धवलोम, शब्दयुग्ोंकाअर्गभेद, वाक्ांशकेधलएसार्गकशब्द, धभन्नार्गक
- शब्द, समानार्ीशब्दोंकाधववेक, उपयुक्तशब्दचयन, �
- शब्दशुद्धि
- व्याकरधणककोधियााँ: परसर्ग, धलंर्, वचन, पुरुष, काल, वृधि, पक्ष, वाच्य
- वाक्रचना
- वाक्शुद्धि
- धवरामधचन्ोंकाप्रयोर्
- मुहावरे/ लोकोद्धक्तयााँ
- पररभाधषकशब्दावली: प्रशासधनक, धवधिक (धवशेषतः)
RJS Syllabus: Mains Examination
The mains exam will be a subjective type examination consisting of four exam papers.
Paper I: Law (100 marks)
- The Specific Relief Act (1963)
- Indian Contract Act (1872)
- The Indian Evidence Act (1872)
- The Transfer of Property Act (1882)
- Code of Civil Procedure Code (l908)
- The Constitution of India
- The Limitation Act (1963)
- Interpretation of Statues
- The Rajasthan Rent Control Act (2001)
- Order or Judgment Writing
Paper II: Law (100 marks)
- The Indian Penal Code (1860)
- The Indian Evidence Act (1872)
- The Negotiable Instruments Act (1881) (Chapter XVII)
- The Probation of Offenders Act (1958)
- The Code of Criminal Procedure (1973)
- The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1986)
- The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005)
- The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (2012)
- The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition andRedressal) Act (2013)
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2015)
- Framing of Charge or Judgment Writing.
Paper I: Hindi Paper (50 marks)
- A Hindi Essay consisting of 50 marks in total
Paper II: English Paper (50 marks)
- An English Essay consisting of 50 marks in total
Rajasthan Judiciary Syllabus: Interview (35 marks)
- During the interview, a candidate’s suitability for the position will be evaluated based on his or her performance history at the school, college, and university as well as their character, personality, address, and physical appearance.
- For the period of the interview, 35 marks remain in effect. As the name implies, the interview phase entails a face-to-face conversation with a panel of examiners who evaluate your abilities in light of the exchange.
- The candidate might be asked general questions rather than ones that are strictly intellectual or legal in nature.
- The candidate will be tested on general knowledge, which will include an understanding of current events and issues.
- Additionally, the candidate’s skill in Rajasthani languages and his familiarity with Rajasthani social practices would get the candidate marks. Each candidate’s marks from the written exam will be added to the marks they were given in this manner.
All the best for your exams!